Arborist Consultation

We provide deep root fertilization and oak wilt management in Granbury, TX and surrounding areas.

Deep Root Fertilization

 We deliver liquid life straight to the roots of struggling trees and plants. By injecting fertilizer far below soil level, the roots get access to vital nutrition they may otherwise have difficulty absorbing. This service is highly recommended if your trees and shrubs are exhibiting nutrition-based stress, or if they are not native to this landscape. Our skilled arborists will consult with you to determine the best methods to support your plants and trees!

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Oak Wilt Management

If you’re concerned about Oak Wilt, then you may already have a problem. This destructive disease is often fatal to the unfortunate oaks who encounter spores, and it spreads quickly to neighboring oaks through roots, insects, and proximity.

However, it is possible to catch the fungus early and even save the tree if it’s within a certain window. Our arborists can help identify Oak Wilt in your trees and advise the best methods for containing spread and managing the health of infected trees.

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Arborist Consultation pricing:

$100 – $150

(Based on location)


Here are a few common questions people ask us about Arborist Consultations. Don’t see yours answered here? Contact us anytime and we’ll be happy to help!

My soil is really compacted. Is deep root fertilization an option for me?

Yes! In fact, deep root fertilization is highly recommended for areas of compacted soil, because plants and trees often struggle to get adequate nutrients in those conditions. Our equipment can get through any type of tough ground to deliver fertilization to the root systems below. 

I think my tree has Oak Wilt. How much time do I have to save it?

Oak Wilt is an incredibly destructive fungus that is contagious to other trees. Once infected, an otherwise healthy oak tree is likely to die within 2-4 months. That timeline can be accelerated based on other health factors in the tree, as well as drought conditions and local insect populations.

However, the fungus can spread at any point during a tree’s infection, and it can take down other trees nearby. So it’s important to address any instance of Oak Wilt immediately to prevent further infections.

How do you recognize Oak Wilt in trees?

Diagnosing Oak Wilt can be difficult if you aren’t an experienced arborist. It looks different on a red oak vs a live oak for example, and often symptoms (like leaf discoloration or spotting) can be caused by other things. We encourage having a consultation first to identify whether your trees are truly suffering from Oak Wilt, so we can recommend the best course of action to save the tree.

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